Address Tunnel
Address Tunnel
Address Tunnel
2022, LED panel, mirror, moving image
As viewers walk into the tunnel that expands like the infinite universe, they can see small and big letters that shine exuberantly. The text that shines like the stars of the night sky are the hometown addresses and birth years of foreigners residing in Korea. Starlight travels from decades of light years away and shines before our eyes. Likewise, the glimmering text of addresses in this work reminds us of the people who have relocated from faraway lands but now live beside us. Also, like the stars that shine in their places during the day but are not visible, it reminds us of the unseen and unheard people due to the intrinsic exclusion of our society. The addresses and birth years of the foreigners were collected with their consent with the support of Refuge pNan, Migrant Center Friends, and Migration to Asia Peace (MAP).