Suki Seokyeong Kang

Suki Seokyeong Kang

Suki Seokyeong Kang, Two works including GRANDMOTHER TOWER #23-02, 2020-2023

Painted steel, thread, silk, fabric, wheels, 200x54x79cm. PODO Museum Collection ⓒ Suki Seokyeong Kang

GRANDMOTHER TOWER and Narrow Meadow are works that bring together tradintional weaving techniques with contemporary sculpture.

GRANDMOTHER TOWER pays homage to the artist`s late grandmother, who enjoyed bright-colored clothing. The piece, made of layers of silk cloth woven onto reed baskets, stoops as it stacks and reminds the viewer of fading community traditions and personal histories dulled by the passage of time. In contrast, Narrow Meadow is a representation of a “grandchild”, resembling a doll adorned with a hat. The feet, seemingly equipped with roller skates, are fashioned with modern materials to accentuate the image of a new generaion. Seokyeong Kang (b. 1977) navigates between two and three dimensional installations, illustration the overlapping eras and intimate connections between different generations.